Version Hot List sorting
I first should mention the old watch list by listing has been completely removed... be sure to save your listings to the borrower list by clicking the Add to Favorite List on the listing detail page. There is not an automated conversion for this.
I have improved the sorting functionality on the favorites list for lenders, borrowers and hot list. Now when you change the sorting options on any of the favorite lists it will immediately resort with out re-querying the information. The value in the Sort drop down indicates the current sorting option chosen. If you want to force a re-query simply click on the appropriate link again.
When retrieving the information, a yellow popup is shown indicating that the information is being retrieved. It is suppose to say "Please Wait" but sometimes it is just blank... but when finished it always says "Complete." Simply click anywhere outside of the popup to have it go away. This provides visual feedback when it is actually working.
I also modified the links to show in red which type of favorite list you are looking at. It is very intuitive. And the default is to display the favorite list of borrowers
For the Favorite Hot List I added some extra buckets.... you have 30minutes, 3hours, 12hours, 24hours, and 3days. Also you can display the listings with the most number of bids or the highest amount of bids within those time frames. Also listings that have expired should no longer be displayed. And the sort button fully works on this view.
I also included a few speed improvements and fixes to the borrower note functionality.
And you hopefully noticed the indicator that a new version is available... this check is performed once per day.