Monday, February 12, 2007

Listing Detail Page

Here is a summary of the enhancements provided on the listing detail page.

For starters, I have added some additional hot links under the listing title.

The Hide button will prevent the listing from appearing in search result pages. Don't worry you have the option to show it again by using the Filter Off button on the search result page. Once you click Hide, the link will rename to Show. Pretty clever.

The Watch button adds the listing to a Watch List. If you noticed there is a new tab next to Browse Listings. More details about the Watch List here. Once you click Watch, the link will rename to Remove.

The Notes button will popup a form for you to enter notes. More details can on that feature can be found here. If a listing has notes associated with it an spy glass icon will appear next to Notes.

For starters the location of the Hide and Watch buttons has been moved. This change fits within the new quick links under the listing title. Hide changes to Show and Watch changes to Remove as before. Click on the image to see it fullsize.

The Next and Previous links will still display on the far right hand side. And of course the Watch List link remains in the top menu navigation area.

Next up is the Listing Summary area. To match Prosper's look I have moved the Average Rate information under the 'Bid down from' line. Gone is my Starting Rate since Prosper now displays the actual information. Also for easy viewing, I added the start and end dates for the listing. And by popular demand I've restored the amount funded and amount remaining information.

Prosper added a lot of information under the Borrower Information section. Here I have the Previous Listings link which will show in a pop-up all of the previous listings for this borrower. This is a little easier than clicking on the '2 recent listings' link. I also added a magnifying glass to the left of the borrower name. This presents the borrower's profile description in a pop-up.

As the listing detail page loads, the Extended Credit Profile will be auto-expanded.

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