Thursday, June 28, 2007

Version 1.7.6: Some Market Analysis changes .... track borrower name changes

During the last Prosper upgrade they added the ability to see each name change a borrower made. And as usual it is buried three levels too deep. I have added a quick link on the listing detail page that will display the information in a popup. Click the question mark next to the borrower's name.

I have also modified the Market Analysis magic wand popups. They had been blocking Internet Explorer from performing other tasks while they were loading the information. A message now pops up indicating that it is indeed processing and then you are free to switch to other tabs, scroll, etc. The 'please wait' popup can easily be dismissed by clicking on it and the process will continue to load in the background.

Now all of the magic wands on Market Analysis will pop the delinquency data. Again to remind you, Broad will show all loans within +/- $2000 of the listing loan request. Narrow uses the same +/- $2000 and adds show only homeowners if the borrower is a homeowner and show only group members if the borrower is a group member. Specific uses the Broad plus Narrow criteria then adds in information from the extended credit info (this option is only available while logged into Prosper). The info used includes: now delinquent, ever delinquent, both public records, and inquiries. And Group will display just specific info about the credit grade for the borrower's group, no filtering based on loan amount, homeowner, or extended credit info.

To help clarify which delinquency data you are viewing, hover over the word "(details)" in the popup to see the criteria used. And as always you can click on Broad, Narrow, Group or Specific to see the full Prosper Marketplace Performance data.

Last but not least... after this weekend's Prosper upgrade all extension features have been restored.

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